It has been a couple of busy weeks. We have been working on our math facts and the students are doing very well with their doubles and doubles plus one. They love to say "eighteen wheeler" for our 9 + 9 fact poster with a semi-truck. They all made large posters with the doubles facts and pictures to help them remember.
We have also been studying habitats in science. We are working on our flip booklets to add our information to. We are also starting our Scholastic Science Vocabulary Readers during Daily 5 and filling out tri-folds for the books that will help us become experts on many different animals and the habitats that they live in. Thank you to
Jessica Winston for the tri-folds. I made some new ones with her blank template for my top readers with the National Geographic Kids books. We will end up putting all of this information together in a display.
This week we were able to visit the Southeast Recyclers. The students learned all about recycling from Professor Garbologist. They are good at picking up trash in our playground and recycling all of our classroom paper. Now they know just how much it does for our environment.

We have a new addition to our room. After hearing the story
A House for Hermit the Crab, the Silva children brought in their hermit crab to visit our classroom for awhile. He is enjoying his visit and the children love watching him.