Thursday, January 31, 2013

100th Day

It's a beach day of going coconuts for the 100th day. The students arrived in summer wear (getting ready for recess with snow pants took a little longer today) and a hallway decorated with palm trees and hanging doodads, including our doorway with a grass skirt to walk through. The PTO provided this along with a pencil, colorful lae, going coconuts sticker, and fun beach snacks. We were able to make "shell" flakes in our room to look at symmetry and our own shell necklaces. The day ended with games in gym with the other lower elementary classes. See more pictures on our website.

Friday, January 25, 2013

How Many Ways Can Your Represent a Number?

The students picked a number between 21 and 99 to make a pizza number representing different ways to show their number. They had to write it with number words, in standard form, expanded form, place value, with base 10 blocks, coins, and show ways to arrive at their number. A great way to show number sense.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Look What's Hiding in the Snow!

I love this writing project. The students think of an animal or object and make a list of clues to describe it starting with a broad and general tip and ending with a clue that is easy. They really have fun writing and drawing in secret and making their animal hidden on the paper and then using whiteout to hide it with an acetate liner. Thank goodness for classroom volunteers that can have students go to another room to work in private on this very secretive writing project. They then love presenting to the class their clues and see if the students can guess the animal or object before the last clue and then show the item hidden under the snow. Don't forget you can see all of the students with their projects on the January Picture page of our classroom website. Thanks to Christinia Bainbridge for thinking of this project.


Friday, January 4, 2013

Goals, Goals, Goals

We are always setting and discussing goals wether it be during a writing or reading conference or for our math facts. To start the new year the students again looked at goals for themselves and how they can set goals for home, school, the community, and world.